Свадьбы и частные
мероприятия под ключ
Лазурный Берег - Прованс - Париж

Wedding Angels®

Wedding Angels® специализируются на планировании и организации свадеб во Франции с 2005 года. Селин и Натали поделятся с вами отличным знанием Лазурного Берега и Парижа, а также их высококвалифицированной сетью партнеров для создания вашей свадьбы. Франция предлагает самые красивые пейзажи, откройте для себя наш выбор исключительных мест для вашей свадьбы. Профессионализм, внимание к деталям, эффективность, творческий подход и реальное знание дела являются основными ценностями Wedding Angels®. Каждая свадьба - это уникальный проект, и наша команда будет сопровождать вас через все малейшие детали планирования.

Фотограф: Pia Clodi, Peaches & Mint


  • French Wedding Style
  • Smashing Supplier
  • Style Me Pretty
  • Harper's Bazaar

"Hi Natalie. I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. The wedding was more than what I have expected and so much more. It was truly a dream I didn't want to wake up from. I know it wasn't the case for you and I know it was super stressful and exhausting. I truly appreciate the way you've handled it all. And always remained calm whenever I speak to you. Without you there on the day, I don't think I could have enjoyed myself as much as I did. Please pass my love and thank you to the team. I can't wait to share the photos with you. Thank you so much and have a lovely weekend!"

Florrie & Jason, Australia

"Hi Natalie, I am sorry it has taken us so long to reply to you and more importantly to THANK YOU for your help, patience, calmness and general perfect organisation skills during our weekend/wedding day. Not only were we delighted with everything but our guests were totally blown away by the venue and the food, entertainment etc. We could not have done it without your help and support and we appreciate your dedication and professionalism throughout. We would not hesitate to recommend you and your colleagues so if you would like us to act as reference we would be more than happy to. Take care and good luck with all your future events. All the very best."

Gemma & Tom, Dubai

"Hi Natalie, The big days are over and we are just now heading to our honeymoon destination Bali. Very exciting but also kind of sad. It's already over… For us these days were unforgettable and just perfect from the beginning until the end. Everything was like we had imagined and dreamed of. We were perfectly relaxed and could take in every minute of the wedding. You were a very important part of all that. You made all our easiness possible with your great organization! You had everything under control, you knew what we wanted, everything was perfectly and promptly done when we asked you for something! We want to send you a big thank you for that! YOU ARE THE BEST!"

Julia & Dany, Munich